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domain - 4
the - 3
has - 2
been - 2
assigned - 2
please - 1
site - 1
settings - 1
and - 1
put - 1

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Brief facts about saadiyat island:

Saadiyat Island is a natural island and a tourism-cultural environmentally friendly project for Emirati heritage and culture that is located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The project is located in a large, low-lying island, 500 metres off the coast of Abu Dhabi island. A mixed commercial, residential, and leisure project is currently under construction on the island. When completed, Saadiyat Island is expected to become Abu Dhabi's cultural centre, mostly for the Island's Cultural District that is expected to include eight museums. The island is five-minute drive away from downtown Abu Dhabi, 20 minutes from Abu Dhabi International Airport, and one hour from Dubai.

Al Reem Island - Reem Island is a natural island located 600 metres off the coast of the Abu Dhabi island. It is a mixed-purpose community with residential, retail, and commercial units. As of 2015, Al Reem Island's population is at 13,941 people with the population density being 1,579/km².

Yas Island - Yas Island is an island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It occupies a total land area of 25 km². It is a leisure island and one of the largest tourism projects in Abu Dhabi. Yas Island holds the Yas Marina Circuit, which has hosted the Formula One Abu Dhabi Grand Prix since 2009.

Al Maryah Island - Al Maryah Island, formerly known as Sowwah Island, is a natural island located northeast of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. It is named for a famous oasis region in Abu Dhabi, Al Mariyah, which in turn is named after the species of Arabian deer - Al Mariyah - which live there.

Zayed National Museum - Zayed National Museum is a planned museum, to be located in Abu Dhabi, the UAE. It is designed as a memorial to the late Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founding father and first president of the UAE. The museum is planned to be the centrepiece of the Saadiyat Island Cultural District, and will...

Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi - Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi or Université Paris-Sorbonne Abou Dhabi is a French and English speaking university in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates.

Masdar City - Masdar City is an urban community in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. It was built by Masdar, a subsidiary of the state-owned Mubadala Investment Company, with the majority of seed capital provided by the Government of Abu Dhabi.

Culture in Abu Dhabi

Buildings and structures under construction in Abu Dhabi

Art museums and galleries in the United Arab Emirates

Art gallery districts


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