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Brief facts about nbf:

Nathan Bedford Forrest A prominent Confederate Army general during the American Civil War and the first Grand Wizard of...

National Book Foundation An American nonprofit organization established "to raise the cultural appreciation of great...

National Bank of Fujairah A full-service corporate bank that offers corporate and commercial banking, treasury and trade...

National Bank of Fiji The full name of the bank is National Bank of Fiji trading as Colonial National Bank.

National Bolshevik Front The National Bolshevik Front has been used as a name for three separate strands of National...

National Bonsai Foundation A nonprofit organization that was created to sustain the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum.

National Book Festival A literary festival in the United States organized and sponsored by the Library of Congress...

NetBIOS Frames A non-routable network- and transport-level data protocol most commonly used as one of the layers...

Nordic Business Forum A Finnish company, based in Jyväskylä.

North Borneo Federation A proposed political entity which would have comprised the British Colonies of Sarawak, British...

Notodden Blues Festival Notodden Blues Festival is one of the largest blues music festivals in Europe and the largest in...

Norwegian Bowling Federation The national body responsible for the management and promotion of bowling in Norway.

Naxi language A Sino-Tibetan language or group of languages spoken by some 310,000 people most of whom live in...


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