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Domain name -

Site title - الموقع قيد الإنشاء

Go to website - الموقع قيد الإنشاء

Words count at

الموقع - 3
الإنشاء - 2
هذا - 2
قيد - 1
تحت - 1
إذا - 1
كنت - 1
مالك - 1
فيمكنك - 1
نشره - 1

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Site GEO location

Location Country - United States

City/Town - San Jose

Provider - AMAZON-02 GEO Location on Map

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Brief facts about kadeer:

Rebiya Kadeer is an ethnic Uyghur businesswoman and political activist. Born in Altay City, Xinjiang, Kadeer became a millionaire in the 1980s through her real estate holdings and ownership of a multinational conglomerate. Kadeer held various positions in the National People's Congress in Beijing and other political institutions before being arrested in 1999 for, according to Chinese state media, sending confidential internal reference reports to her husband, who worked in the United States as a pro-East Turkistan independence broadcaster. After she fled to the United States in 2005 on compassionate release, Kadeer assumed leadership positions in overseas Uyghur organizations such as the World Uyghur Congress.

Rushan Abbas - Rushan Abbas is a Uyghur American activist and advocate from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. She is the founder and executive director of the nonprofit Campaign for Uyghurs.

Uyghur Americans - Uyghur Americans are Americans of Uyghur ethnicity. Most Uyghurs immigrated from Xinjiang, China, to the United States from the late 1980s onwards, with a significant number arriving after July 2009.

Uyghur American Association - The Uyghur American Association is a prominent Uyghur American non-profit advocacy organization based in Washington, D. C. in the United States.

Uyghur activists

Members of the 8th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

People's Republic of China politicians from Xinjiang

Businesspeople from Xinjiang

Chinese Muslims

Chinese human rights activists

Chinese dissidents

Expelled members of the Chinese Communist Party


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