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Brief facts about kac:

Kuwait Airways Corporation The national airline of Kuwait, with its head office on the grounds of Kuwait International...

Knight's Armament Company An American firearms and firearms parts manufacturer, best known for producing the Rail Interface...

KAC Masterkey A door breaching shotgun system manufactured by Knight's Armament Company.

Eduardo Kac A contemporary American artist and professor of Art and Technology Studies at the School of the...

Mark Kac A Polish American mathematician.

Victor Kac A Soviet and American mathematician at MIT, known for his work in representation theory.

Kać A town located in the Novi Sad municipality, in the South Bačka District of Serbia.

EC KAC A professional ice hockey team in the Austrian Erste Bank Hockey League.

KAC Kenitra A Moroccan football club based in the city of Kenitra.

Korea Airports Corporation Korea Airports Corporation was established in 1980 in Seoul, South Korea to carry out...

Kosciusko Alpine Club The second oldest ski club in Australia after the Kiandra Pioneer Ski Club.

Erdős–Kac theorem Probability theory and statistic theorem.

Feynman-Kac formula The Feynman–Kac formula named after Richard Feynman and Mark Kac, establishes a link between...

Generalized Kac–Moody algebra A Lie algebra that is similar to a Kac–Moody algebra, except that it is allowed to have imaginary...

Kac–Moody algebra A Lie algebra, usually infinite-dimensional.

KAC Masterkey A door breaching shotgun system manufactured by Knight's Armament Company.


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