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the - 18
and - 8
for - 6
freehold - 4
land - 4
dubai - 4
five - 3
serves - 3
living - 3
only - 3

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Brief facts about j5:

The Jackson 5 An American pop band composed of members of the Jackson family.

Johnny 5 A 1986 American science fiction comedy film directed by John Badham and written by S. S. Wilson...

Peugeot J5 A light commercial vehicle jointly developed by FCA Italy and PSA Group, and mainly manufactured...

Fender J5 Telecaster The Fender J5 Telecaster is John 5's signature model Telecaster, and was designed in part by John...

ATC code J05 A therapeutic subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, a system of...

County Route J5 (California) A County route in San Joaquin County, California.

GSR Class J5 A group of similar classes of 0-6-0 steam locomotives of the Midland Great Western Railway of...

HMS J5 A First World War J class submarine operated by the Royal Navy and the Royal Australian Navy.

Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement A global joint operational group, formed in mid-2018 to combat transnational tax crime.

Junkers J 5 A designation assigned to several fighter aircraft designs.

LNER Class J5 A class of 0-6-0 steam locomotives, introduced in 1911.

Piper J-5 A larger, more powerful version of the basic Piper J-3 Cub.

Shenyang J-5 A Chinese-built single-seat jet interceptor and fighter aircraft derived from the Soviet...

Eirene (moon) A retrograde irregular satellite of Jupiter.

Samsung Galaxy J5 An Android smartphone produced by Samsung Electronics. It was unveiled and released in June 2015.

TVB J5 A Television Broadcasts Limited's TV Channel (Feb 2016-Aug 2017), formerly called TVB HD...

Pentagonal cupola In geometry, the pentagonal cupola is one of the Johnson solids.

Jump5 An American Christian teen pop group active from 1999 until 2007.

Jurassic 5 An American alternative hip hop group formed in 1994 by rappers Charles Stewart, Dante Givens...

Ranger (yacht) A J-class racing yacht that successfully defended the 1937 America's Cup, defeating the British...


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