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Site title - FAAC MIDDLE EAST - Automatic Gates, Doors, Access Control

Go to website - FAAC MIDDLE EAST - Automatic Gates, Doors, Access Control

Words count at

the - 13
and - 13
access - 10
automation - 10
faac - 9
for - 8
2024 - 8
middle - 7
east - 7
control - 7

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Brief facts about faac:

FAAC is a software project which includes the AAC encoder FAAC and decoder FAAD2. It supports MPEG-2 AAC as well as MPEG-4 AAC. It supports several MPEG-4 Audio object types, file formats, multichannel and gapless encoding/decoding and MP4 metadata tags. The encoder and decoder is compatible with standard-compliant audio applications using one or more of these object types and facilities. It also supports Digital Radio Mondiale. FAAC and FAAD2, being distributed in C source code form, can be compiled on various platforms and are distributed free of charge. FAAD2 is free software. FAAC contains some code which is published as Free Software, but as a whole it is only distributed under a proprietary license. FAAC was originally written by Menno Bakker.

Lossy data compression - In information technology, lossy compression or irreversible compression is the class of data compression methods that uses inexact approximations and partial data discarding to represent the content. These techniques are used to reduce data size for storing, handling, and transmitting content.

LAME - LAME is a software encoder that converts digital audio into the MP3 audio coding format. LAME is a free software project that was first released in 1998 and has incorporated many improvements since then, including an improved psychoacoustic model.

TooLame - TooLAME is a free software MPEG-1 Layer II audio encoder written primarily by Mike Cheng. While there are many MP2 encoders, TooLAME is well-known and widely used for its particularly high audio quality. It has been unmaintained since 2003, but is directly succeeded by the TwoLAME code fork.

Audio codecs

Cross-platform software


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