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Domain name -

Site title - Home

Go to website - Home

Words count at

latvijas - 3
convenient - 2
home - 1
ērti - 1
būt - 1
visur - 1
100 - 1
pants - 1
karte - 1
himna - 1

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Location Country - Lithuania

Registration Country - Germany

City/Town - Vilnius

Provider - Hostinger International Limited GEO Location on Map

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Brief facts about convenient:

Convenient procedures, products and services are those intended to increase ease in accessibility, save resources and decrease frustration. A modern convenience is a labor-saving device, service or substance which make a task easier or more efficient than a traditional method. Convenience is a relative concept, and depends on context. For example, automobiles were once considered a convenience, yet today are regarded as a normal part of life. Because differences in lifestyles around the world, the term is a relative term based upon the conveniences previously available to a person or group. For instance, an American definition of 'modern convenience' is likely different from that of an individual living in a developing country. Most of the time, the term 'modern convenience' is used to express personal lifestyle and home life.

Amish life in the modern world - Amish believe large families are a blessing from God. Amish rules allow marrying only between members of the Amish Church. The elderly do not go to a retirement facility; they remain at home.

Appropriate technology - Appropriate technology is a movement encompassing technological choice and application that is small-scale, affordable by locals, decentralized, labor-intensive, energy-efficient, environmentally sustainable, and locally autonomous.

Canadians of convenience - "Canadians of convenience" is a pejorative referring to individuals with Canadian citizenship who live permanently outside of Canada without "substantive ties" to Canada.

Consumerism - Consumerism is a social and economic order in which the goals of many individuals include the acquisition of goods and services beyond those that are necessary for survival or for traditional displays of status.

Convenience function (computing) - A convenience function is a non-essential subroutine in a programming library or framework which is intended to ease commonly performed tasks.

Convenience store - A convenience store, bodega, convenience shop, corner store or corner shop is a small retail store that stocks a range of everyday items such as tea, coffee, groceries, fruits, vegetables, snacks, confectionery, soft drinks, ice creams, tobacco products, lottery tickets, over-the-counter drugs...

Consumer behaviour


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