مواقع الإمارات العربية المتحدة


معلومات المجال والموقع:



حول الموقع:

اسم النطاق - webs.ae

عنوان الموقع - The domain name webs.ae is for sale | Dan.com

اذهب إلى الموقع - The domain name webs.ae is for sale | Dan.com

يتم احتساب أهم الكلمات في webs.ae:

the - 38
domain - 20
you - 18
vat - 13
transfer - 13
our - 12
and - 11
for - 10
your - 9
name - 8

انظر قائمة كاملة من الكلمات

موقع جيو

البلد الموقع - Germany

بلد التسجيل - United States

المدينة / البلدة - Frankfurt am Main

مزود - AMAZON-02

webs.ae موقع GEO على الخريطة

Site Logo

معلومات للمجال webs.ae

عنوان IP:

خوادم اسم المجال:

ns1.dan.com ns2.dan.com

معلومات خادم Whois لـ webs.ae

Brief facts about webs:

.web is a proposed top-level domain that was created and assigned by an auction process to several bidding companies. It was awarded to Nu Dot Co LLC, which is primarily funded by Verisign. Nu Dot Co LLC's acquisition of the.web TLD was not only a major business move but also a strategic acquisition intended to enhance the digital landscape. The introduction of.web is anticipated to offer more choice for businesses and individuals seeking memorable and effective online identities. This aligns with the ongoing expansion of the internet's namespace, which aims to accommodate a wider variety of activities and entities online. Moreover, Verisign's involvement suggests that the.web domain could benefit from robust infrastructure and expertise in domain management, ensuring stability and security for future registrants. The rollout of.web is expected to foster innovation and competition in the domain industry, providing a fresh alternative to traditional TLDs like.com and.net.

Proposed top-level domains


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