مواقع الإمارات العربية المتحدة


معلومات المجال والموقع:



حول الموقع:

اسم النطاق - smartgate.ae

عنوان الموقع - The domain name smartgate.ae is for sale | Dan.com

اذهب إلى الموقع - The domain name smartgate.ae is for sale | Dan.com

يتم احتساب أهم الكلمات في smartgate.ae:

the - 67
domain - 32
you - 28
usd - 18
vat - 17
transfer - 16
and - 15
for - 14
our - 14
payment - 13

انظر قائمة كاملة من الكلمات

موقع جيو

البلد الموقع - Germany

بلد التسجيل - United States

المدينة / البلدة - Frankfurt am Main

مزود - AMAZON-02

smartgate.ae موقع GEO على الخريطة

Site Logo

معلومات للمجال smartgate.ae

عنوان IP:

خوادم اسم المجال:

ns2.dan.com ns1.dan.com

معلومات خادم Whois لـ smartgate.ae

Brief facts about smartgate:

SmartGate is an automated self-service border control system operated by the Australian Border Force and New Zealand Customs Service and located at immigration checkpoints in departure and arrival halls in ten Australian international airports, and 4 New Zealand international airports. SmartGates allow Australian ePassport holders and ePassport holders of a number of other countries to clear immigration controls more rapidly, and to enhance travel security by performing passport control checks electronically. SmartGate uses facial recognition technology to verify the traveller's identity against the data stored in the chip in their biometric passport, as well as checking against immigration databases. To use the SmartGate system, the traveller must have a biometric passport from Australia, New Zealand or certain other countries.

ePassport gates - a similar system operated in the United Kingdom.

PARAFE - a similar system operated in France.

Borders of Australia

Expedited border crossing schemes



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