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معلومات خادم Whois لـ signum.ae

Brief facts about signum:

Opel Signum A large front-engine, front-wheel drive, five-passenger, mid-size car manufactured and marketed...

Signum manus Signum manus refers to the medieval European practice of signing a document or charter with a...

Signum University A non-profit, online graduate school based in New Hampshire, granting the degree of Master of...

Integra Signum A publicly traded Swiss company active in train control and signaling systems.

Integra-Signum A Swiss train protection system introduced in 1933.

Signum Biosciences Signum Biosciences, Inc. is a dietary supplement company located in Boulder, Colorado.

Signum (typeface) C.E. Weber was a German type foundry established in 1827 in Stuttgart.

Signum (magazine) A biannual literary magazine published in Dresden under editor-in-chief Norbert Weiss, who...

Signum (musical group) The name for two Dutch producers, Pascal Minnaard and Ronald Hagen.

Signum (Nanoha) A character from the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series.

Signum Quartet A string quartet based in Cologne, Germany.

Signum Records A classical musical record label in the UK founded in 1997.

Signum (anatomy) The study of the genitalia of Lepidoptera is important for Lepidoptera taxonomy in addition to...

Signum function An odd mathematical function that extracts the sign of a real number.

Signum manus Signum manus refers to the medieval European practice of signing a document or charter with a...

Signum University A non-profit, online graduate school based in New Hampshire, granting the degree of Master of...


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