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حول الموقع:

اسم النطاق - globalsolutions.co.ae

عنوان الموقع - Global Solution – For Project Management

اذهب إلى الموقع - Global Solution – For Project Management

يتم احتساب أهم الكلمات في globalsolutions.co.ae:

the - 23
for - 11
aiseg - 11
and - 10
innovation - 8
with - 7
zero - 7
technology - 6
energy - 6
net - 5

انظر قائمة كاملة من الكلمات

موقع جيو

البلد الموقع - United States


globalsolutions.co.ae موقع GEO على الخريطة

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ns1.justhost.com ns2.justhost.com

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☆ globalsolutions.co.ae. 3782 IN HINFO "RFC8482" ""

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Brief facts about globalsolutions:

Citizens for Global Solutions is a grassroot level membership organization in the United States working towards establishment of world government in order to avoid future atomic wars. It has promoted world federal government, United Nations reform, legislative resolutions, and amendments to the U.S. Constitution to favor world federal government.

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists (ECAS).

Political views of Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein, a German-born scientist, was predominantly known during his lifetime for his development of the theory of relativity, his contributions to quantum mechanics, and many other notable achievements in modern physics.

Thane Read - William Thane Read was an American advocate for global peace. He was descendant of the George Read, Founding Father of the United States and best known for his leadership in leading the World Constitution Coordinating Committee, which proposed a Constitution for the Federation of Earth.

World government - World government is the concept of a single political authority with jurisdiction over all of Earth and humanity. It is conceived in a variety of forms, from tyrannical to democratic, which reflects its wide array of proponents and detractors.

World Constitutional Convention - The World Constitutional Convention, also known as the World Constituent Assembly or the First World Constituent Assembly, took place in Interlaken, Switzerland and Wolfach, Germany, 1968.

Constitution for the Federation of Earth - The World Constitution and Parliament Association, formally known as the World Committee for a World Constitutional Convention, is an international committee established as an international non-governmental organization dedicated to the establishment of world peace through a democratic federal...


World federalist movement member organizations

Organizations based in Washington, D.C.


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