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Brief facts about fcenter:

An F-center or color center or Farbe center is a type of crystallographic defect in which an anionic vacancy in a crystal lattice is occupied by one or more unpaired electrons. Electrons in such a vacancy in a crystal lattice tend to absorb light in the visible spectrum such that a material that is usually transparent becomes colored. The greater the number of F centers, the more intense the color of the compound. F centers are a type of color center. This is used to identify many compounds, especially zinc oxide.

Electride , a crystal where all the anions are electrons.

Vacancy defect - In crystallography, a vacancy is a type of point defect in a crystal.

Schottky defect - A Schottky defect is an excitation of the site occupations in a crystal lattice leading to point defects named after Walter H. Schottky.

Frenkel defect - In crystallography, a Frenkel defect is a type of point defect in crystalline solids, named after its discoverer Yakov Frenkel. The defect forms when an atom or smaller ion leaves its place in the structure, creating a vacancy and becomes an interstitial by lodging in a nearby location.

Nitrogen-vacancy center - The nitrogen-vacancy center is one of numerous photoluminescent point defects in diamond. Its most explored and useful properties include its spin-dependent photoluminescence, and its relatively long spin coherence at room temperature.

Crystallographic defects


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