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اسم النطاق - digerati.ae

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معلومات للمجال digerati.ae

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ns4.eurodns.com ns3.eurodns.com ns1.eurodns.com ns2.eurodns.com

كل السجلات:

☆ digerati.ae. 3600 IN HINFO "RFC8482" ""

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Brief facts about digerati:

The digerati are the elite of digitalization, social media, content marketing, computer industry and online communities. The word is a portmanteau, derived from "digital" and "literati", and reminiscent of the earlier coinage glitterati. Famous computer scientists, tech magazine writers, digital consultants with multi-year experiences and well-known bloggers are included among the digerati. The word is used in several related but different ways. It can mean: • Opinion leaders who, through their writings, promoted a vision of digital technology and the Internet as a transformational element in society; • People regarded as celebrities within the Silicon Valley computer subculture, particularly during the dot-com boom years; • Anyone regarded as influential within the digital technology community.

Californian Ideology - "The Californian Ideology" is a 1995 essay by English media theorists Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron of the University of Westminster. Barbrook describes it as a "critique of dotcom neoliberalism".

Netocracy - Netocracy was a term invented by the editorial board of the American technology magazine Wired in the early 1990s.


Internet culture


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