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Brief facts about arcus:

Arcus cloud A low, horizontal cloud formation, usually appearing as an accessory cloud to a cumulonimbus.

Arcus corneae Arcus senilis, also known as gerontoxon, arcus lipoides, arcus corneae, corneal arcus, arcus...

Arcus Odyssey An 1991 action game developed by Wolf Team and released by Renovation Products for the Sega...

Arcus AS Arcus AS is Norway's largest wholesaler of wine and liquor.

Arcus Foundation An international charitable foundation focused on issues related to LGBT rights, social justice...

Arcus-Air Arcus-Air GmbH & Co. KG is an airline.

Schempp-Hirth Arcus A flapped Two Seater Class glider in production by Schempp-Hirth. It first flew 7 April 2009.

Pegas Arcus A Czech single-place paraglider that was designed and produced by Pegas 2000 of Prague.

Swing Arcus A series of German single-place and two-place paragliders, designed and produced by Swing...

Arcus anterior atlantis The most superior cervical vertebra of the spine and is located in the neck.

Arcus aortae The part of the aorta between the ascending and descending aorta.

Arcus costalis The lower edge of the chest formed by the bottom edge of the rib cage.

Arcus dentalis The two arches of teeth, one on each jaw, that together constitute the dentition.

Arcus ductus thoracici The larger of the two lymph ducts of the lymphatic system.

Arcus iliopectineus A thickened band of fused iliac fascia and psoas fascia passing from the posterior aspect of the...

Arcus inguinalis A band running from the pubic tubercle to the anterior superior iliac spine.

Arcus lumbocostalis lateralis A ligament under the diaphragm that arches across the upper part of the quadratus lumborum muscle.

Arcus lumbocostalis medialis A tendinous fascia that arches over the psoas major muscle as it passes posterior the diaphragm.

Arcus palatini The pharyngeal arches, also known as visceral arches, are structures seen in the embryonic...

Arcus palatoglossus The palatoglossal arch on either side runs downward, lateral, and forward to the side of the base...

Arcus palatopharyngeus The palatopharyngeal arch is larger and projects farther toward the middle line than the...

Arcus palmaris profundus An arterial network found in the palm.

Arcus palmaris superficialis The superficial palmar arch is formed predominantly by the ulnar artery, with a contribution from...

Arcus plantaris A circulatory anastomosis formed from...

Arcus pubis The pubic arch, also referred to as the ischiopubic arch, is part of the pelvis.

Arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis A thickened whitish band in this upper layer of the diaphragmatic part of the pelvic fascia.

Arcus unguium The crescent-shaped whitish area of the bed of a fingernail or toenail.

Arcus venosus dorsalis pedis A superficial vein that connects the small saphenous vein and the great saphenous vein.

Arcus venosus jugularis Just above the sternum the two anterior jugular veins communicate by a transverse trunk, the...

Arcus venosus palmaris profundus Accompanied by a pair of venae comitantes which constitute the deep palmar venous arch.

Arcus venosus palmaris superficialis Accompanied by a pair of venae comitantes which constitute the superficial palmar venous arch.

Arcus venosus plantaris The four plantar metatarsal veins run backward in the metatarsal spaces, communicate, by means of...

Arcus II: Silent Symphony A computer game developed and released in Japan by Wolf Team.

Arcus Odyssey An 1991 action game developed by Wolf Team and released by Renovation Products for the Sega...

Arcus cloud A low, horizontal cloud formation, usually appearing as an accessory cloud to a cumulonimbus.

Agfa Agfa-Gevaert N.V. is a Belgian-German multinational corporation that develops, manufactures, and...

Arcus (planetary geology) An arc-shaped type of landform. Arcus is the Latin word for arc.

Arcus (satellite) A proposed X-ray space observatory proposed to NASA's Explorer program, Medium Explorer class.

Inverse trigonometric functions The inverse functions of the trigonometric functions.

Arcus Argentariorum An ancient Roman arch that was partly incorporated in the seventh century into the western wall...


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