مواقع الإمارات العربية المتحدة


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اسم النطاق - al-shamsi.ae

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Brief facts about al shamsi:

Al-Shamsi is an Arab bedouin tribe that mostly inhabit the southeastern part of the Arabian peninsula. They are located mainly in Northern Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and to a lesser extent Kuwait, Qatar, eastern Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Due to the large nature of the tribe, there are today in fact many branches that trace themselves to Al-Shamsi tribe. Al Shamsi is one of the most respected Arabian Tribes and in every Country it has a branch that rules The Al Shamsi tribe for example in UAE Bin Rahma are the rulers. The most known tribes are: Bin Rahma Bin Hazeem Bin Thawee Al Nayeli Bin Hareb.

Al Nuaim - The Al Naim or Al Noaim tribe is a large Arab bedouin tribe based primarily in the Qatar, Bahrain, eastern Saudi Arabia, UAE, and the Al Buraimi oasis of Oman.

Tribes of the United Arab Emirates

Tribes of Saudi Arabia

Arab groups

Tribes of Arabia


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