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Brief facts about 4c:

4-C's of Diamond Grading A solid form of the element carbon with its atoms arranged in a crystal structure called diamond...

Alfa Romeo 4C A mid-engined sports car that was produced by Italian car manufacturer Alfa Romeo.

Oflag IV-C A shortening of Offizierslager, meaning "officers' camp".

"4C" (Person of Interest) The 13th episode of the third season of the American television drama series Person of Interest.

4C Array A cylindrical paraboloid radio telescope at the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, near...

4C Entity A digital rights management consortium formed by IBM, Intel, Panasonic and Toshiba that has...

Fourth Cambridge Survey An astronomical catalogue of celestial radio sources as measured at 178 MHz using the 4C Array.

Cape Cod Community College A public community college in West Barnstable, Massachusetts.

4/C A proposed supertall skyscraper in Seattle, Washington, United States.

LATAM Colombia Aerovías de Integración Regional S.A., d/b/a LATAM Airlines Colombia, is a Colombian airline.

STD-4C STD-4C or STANDARD-4C refers to a set of standards and regulations set by the United States...

FourCC A sequence of four bytes used to uniquely identify data formats.

Long March 4C A Chinese orbital launch vehicle.

Oflag IV-C A shortening of Offizierslager, meaning "officers' camp".

Studio 4°C Studio 4°C Co., Ltd. is a Japanese animation studio founded by Eiko Tanaka and Kōji Morimoto in...

4-C's of Diamond Grading A solid form of the element carbon with its atoms arranged in a crystal structure called diamond...

C See related meanings for the word 'C'.

4 See related meanings for the word '4'.

IVC See related meanings for the word 'IVC'.

CCCC See related meanings for the word 'CCCC'.

C4 See related meanings for the word 'C4'.


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